GemCityJoe's Articles » Page 6
December 21, 2003 by GemCityJoe
Of course we all know that America is a great nation. We could write a very long list of reasons why America is so great. Without a doubt we have a strong economy. There is about any kind of land scape here from beautiful snow capped mountians to hills, plains, and prairies. We are blessed with many streams, rivers and lakes and much furtile soil. Small towns and large cities alike flourish everywhere. There is one thing that I heard on the news about America the other night though, that really ...
December 20, 2003 by GemCityJoe
Michael Jackson, after serious consideration and coaxing from his brother Jermaine, has decided to join the "Nation of Islam." Though his defense attorney has been working very hard to build up a strong case to establish Jackson's innocence, some are beginning to speculate now if Michael is going to play the race card as well. Aligning himself with the notorious Louis Farrakhan, one thing is for certain. Michael will be able to learn first hand how to go about playing the race card and cry ...
December 19, 2003 by GemCityJoe
I'm sure everyone has noticed how drasticly the face of Michael Jackson has changed over the years. Just who is it that he is really trying to look like like anyway? Log onto the link below to find out. You might just be surprised. It's a photographic history of Michael Jackson's face with blithering but, witty commentary. You'll love this... Your posted comments are greatly appreciated! GCJ
December 18, 2003 by GemCityJoe
I had turned on my car radio this afternoon while making my commute to work and just happened to catch the conversation between an atheist and radio announcer, Willy Cunningham on Cincinnati's 700-WLW. The atheist was telling Willy all about how offended he was when people wished him a Merry Christmas. He rambled on further to say that Christians didn't really think about Jesus or the true reason that we were celebrating Christmas anyway, that all we really cared about on Christmas was giving ...
December 16, 2003 by GemCityJoe
"Please don't shoot, I'm Saddam Hussein, the President of Iraq and I'm ready to nogociate," whimpered the tired voice from the deep, dark spider hole, as Saddam realized that his secret hiding place had just been uncovered. Well, obviously, he hadn't picked up a newspaper in quite awhile. If so, then he would have known that he was deposed as the President of Iraq months ago. Oh... and now he is ready to nogociate? Well I think hes about ten years too late for that. Just what does this man think...
December 15, 2003 by GemCityJoe
I thought it might be interesting to find out who some of the most unpopular people in the world were for the past year. I am trying to come up with the top 10 least favorite or unfavorable people's list. This can be anyone in the world. It can be someone that is unpopular with you or someone that you just plain dislike. It could be for any reason, or no reason at all. Name as many as you'd like as I do realize that some people have larger hate lists than others... Please submit a list of you...
December 14, 2003 by GemCityJoe
Ace of Spades, Saddam Hussein, is no longer at large. He was captured yesterday evening about eight miles south of his home town of Tikrit. He was found hiding out in a spider hole dug deeply into the celler of an old house. Officials said that some of his palaces could be seen just across the river from his hide-away. Saddam was discovered in hiding with a large amount of American cash in his posession. Some $750,000.00 was recovered. All that Saddam could do was to hide out and look over acros...
December 14, 2003 by GemCityJoe
The people of Iraq celebrated in the streets this morning as news of the capture of the elusive Saddam Hussein reached their ears. Gun blasts were fired into the air and people were dancing in the streets of Baghdad and in many other cities throughout Iraq. What wonderful news. There is Christmas joy in Baghdad today. As word has it, Saddam was captured and taken alive this morning December 13th 2003 at about 8:13 P.M. Saturday evening, Baghdad time. It was reported that Saddam was found dug int...
December 13, 2003 by GemCityJoe
Another Christmas is almost here and still an innocent man sets on the other side of the fence locked away from his wife Melinda and two boys. This will be his fifth Christmas in the Lebanon Corrections facility with life to go. It has been an absolute nightmare for his family who have spent well over $100.000.00 to date to try and have these charges cleared. But the state of Ohio keeps turning a deaf ear. They have a conviction and thats all they care to know. How a jury could give a man a life...
December 12, 2003 by GemCityJoe
As I sat down yesterday evening to watch one of my favorite television shows, American Justice, my heart went out to Clarence Elkins and his family. It seems that here is yet one more example of a person who has been wrongfully convicted of a very serious crime that he did not commit. While the state of Ohio sets back and really could care less as long as they have someone in their custody that they can lay the blame to. The state could very easily run a simple DNA test to clear Clarence Elkins ...
December 8, 2003 by GemCityJoe
Cool weather is finally here and everyone is eating chili again but if you are a Mexican food lover as I am, you may just wanna give this a shot. Its wonderful! CREAMY TACOS...Heres what you will need. 1. 1 lb. of ground chuck 2. 1 med. to lg. sized onion (or a bag of the frozen chopped onion work well and will save you time and tears) 3. 2 lg. cans of sliced tomatos (or 4 small cans) 4. 1 bag of taco or enchilada seasoning 5. 1 bottle of Tabasco sauce 6. 1 lg. box of velveeta cheese ...
December 8, 2003 by GemCityJoe
No need to actually deep fry your Mexican Fried Ice Cream. You can acheive a fried taste simply by adding graham cracker crumbs to your ice cream. Heres what you will need: 1. Vanilla ice cream 2. cinnamon 3. graham cracker crumbs 4. honey or chocolate syrup 5. Whipped cream topping (the kind you spray out of the can or cool whip) Dip a scoop or two of vanilla ice cream into a bowl or desert dish sprinkle with cinnamon and the graham cracker crumbs. The graham cracker crumbs give it th...
December 8, 2003 by GemCityJoe
Chicken Enchiladas Heres what you will need: 1. A can of Cream of Chicken soup 2. A nice large fresh tomato 3. Med. sized onion (or a bag of diced frozen onion will do) 4. Small can of green chili chives 5. 10 oz. can of chicken breast chunks (you can use any type chicken breast desired) 6. small bag of chedder cheese (or use the mexican cheese if you prefer) 7. Bag of the large tortillias 8. Small can of black olives 9. Small container of sour cream Preheat oven to 350 F You will b...
December 7, 2003 by GemCityJoe
As another new year approaches, I am once again reminded of one that I shall never forget. The year 2000... I had always anticipated the coming of that year. It had always seemed to be looming way ahead into the futuer. I was born in January and had computed the math in my head even before I had ever entered high school I think, to try and get a picture of what it would be like for me in the year 2000 as I would be about to turn 44. Where would I be then, I often wondered? What kind of work w...
December 3, 2003 by GemCityJoe
Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a tatol mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit any porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mind deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. So do we rlleay need to wrory abuot our spillneg? Amzanig huh? GCJ