Who Were Your Least Favorite People In 2003?
Published on December 15, 2003 By GemCityJoe In Misc
I thought it might be interesting to find out who some of the most unpopular people in the world were for the past year. I am trying to come up with the top 10 least favorite or unfavorable people's list. This can be anyone in the world. It can be someone that is unpopular with you or someone that you just plain dislike. It could be for any reason, or no reason at all. Name as many as you'd like as I do realize that some people have larger hate lists than others...

Please submit a list of your least favorite people for 2003, in the comment section below.

Here are a few of mine but not in any particular order:

1. Saddam Hussein (because he is responsible for so many people dying)
2. Osama Bin Laden (because he still has not been served justice for all his crimes against humanity)
3. Hillery Clinton (for trying to upstage G.W. by going to Afganistan on Thanksgiving Day, along with many other reasons)
4. Brittney Spears (because she likes to exploit her body for cash)
5. Michael Jackson (because he is a cunning pedophile and needs to fess up)
6. Jimmy Carter (because he likes to hug trees and hes a big goof ball)
7. Sen. John Kerry (because he runs his mouth too much on our beloved G.W. (he needs a pie in his face as well)
8. Madonna (because she wants to shelter her daughter from sexual explicit material but she could care less about our kids)
9. Bill O'Reilly (because he has a big mouth and likes to talk over his guests)
10. All three Fox & Friends cast members (not sure of their names but they remind me of the three stooges)
11. Jacques Chirac (Who elected this Commie anyway)
12. Kofi Annan (This man lives in a dream world, courtesy of the U.S.)
on Dec 15, 2003
You have not listed the number one least liked person in the world. Geroge W. Bush He has casued much more hardship and problems than any of the people you mentioned. His policies have resulted in more deaths than Osam Bin Laden. While not up to Saddam's level of death and destruction should he be re-elected his actions and policies will surpass even Saddam's level of causing death to the innocent.
on Dec 15, 2003
How the heck can you say GW caused more deaths than OBL? Give me some numbers or you will remain on my "nutso bloggers of 2003" list.
on Dec 15, 2003
I was saving G.W. Bush for my favorites list. G.W. only knocks off the people that deserve to be killed. Unlike Osama, and Saddam that kill and terrorize innocent people. Wake up Bernard, you've been out hugging too many trees. GCJ
on Dec 16, 2003
Least favorites in no particular order:

1.adam sandler
2. my boss
3. creed
4. carrot top
5. g.w.
6. the scary chick on entertainment tonight
7. the cast of the Today Show
8. that crazy judge in louisiana( i think it was LA) who confuses his job with his prayers
9. ray romano
10. did i mention my boss?
11. genghis khan
12. John from Survivor
13. those two pop stars who are married and have their own show
14. john ashcroft
15. osama and saddam though at this point it's such a cliche
16. saddam's personal stylist - did you see those pictures straight from that spider hole? YIKES!
17. jerry bruckheimer (purveyor of the worst films ever to be lapped up)
18. any rap star with 'Lil' in their name
19. the grinch
20. dr phil
on Dec 16, 2003
Re: #16 Saddam's personal stylist...Yes I Want Abs, I had commented on Saddam's appearance in one of my previous articals entitled, "ACE IN THE HOLE." Everyone was wondering what we should do with him now that we caught him. My suggestion was that one of the first things they should do with him is to send him to the "Queer Eye For The Straight Guy Show" and give him a complete make-over. NICE LIST... Thank you!!! GCJ
on Dec 17, 2003
How about the Catholic church (For molesting all those children for so many years and getting away with it!)
on Dec 18, 2003
So true, among other things. I really do not have anything good at all to say about the Catholic church nor Pope John Paul but, I will say one thing, in my eyes they are disgraceful. GCJ
on Dec 29, 2003
No one mentioned Jen and Ben or Bennifer!? Oy to the vey!