Saddam Moved To New Secret Location
Published on January 28, 2004 By GemCityJoe In Current Events
Saddam was seen being transported to a new secret location yesterday amid threats that plans were being drafted by insurgents to break him out. It was thought that he would be taken to a smaller town where people would be less suspicious of his presence and rumors would not be leaked.
Now authorities aren't so sure they have chosen the right place.
"It won't take long at all for rumors 'bout a new tarnt in town to start flyin' round here," a local barber told reporters on condition of anonymity.

on Jan 28, 2004
This is great!!
on Jan 28, 2004
From which tabloid does it come from ?
on Jan 28, 2004
Oh, GCJs material is all original Jepel...

I don't get the joke though... stupid insider jokes
on Jan 28, 2004
Saddam in Mayberry, too funny!
on Jan 28, 2004
~Laughs~ Good one GCJ
on Jan 28, 2004
Muggaz, No I don't go out and snap the photos but every thing I write about the picture is original. Now some photos I do retouch to suit my comments. lol. Its all in fun. I didn't get this photo from any tabloid. Someone emailed it to me. Photo only with the caption, "Who really captured Saddam?" Which I really didn't think had much substance.
The joke is, Mayberry is a small very gossipy town. Floyd the barber is about the worst. You mean you've watched Andy Griffith Show? Or Mayberry R.F.D.?
Does anyone know what RFD stands for anyway? GCJ
on Jan 28, 2004
This was cute... And I also wanted to wish you a very happy birthday, GemCityJoe!!! Hope it was a great one
on Jan 29, 2004
Thank you Anne. Yes I had a very nice day. GCJ
on Jan 30, 2004
Oh yeah happy B-Day GCJ :0)
on Jan 30, 2004
Don't I get a free pizza? GCJ