Rescued After 13 Days
Published on January 8, 2004 By GemCityJoe In Current Events


Another quake victim was rescued Wednesday after being trapped under the rubble of his Bam home for some 13 days. The 57 year old man was found conscious and was just able to mutter his name before slipping into unconsciousness said, Mahdi Shadnoush, a doctor at a Ukrainian feild hospital. Only the victim's first name, Jalil, was given.
Jalil had been trapped and without food after an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.6 revaged the city of Bam, Iran on the morning after Christmas. Jalil did have some sort of access to a water supply but, it was not known from where. However the rubble that held the 57 year old man captive, was said to have been wet.
Many said it was a miracle that Jalil had survived for so long a time there. Normally people die after only three days in situations such as this.
Jalil was a member of the Baluch ethnic group, who are known for their tuff survival under harsh conditions.
Just this past Saturday, a 97 year old woman was discovered under the rubble of her home and rescued.
Doctors said, they were not certain if Jalil would live but, they are certainly doing everything possible to make him comfortable and sustain his life. GCJ

on Jan 08, 2004
That is amazing! I had heard about the 97yr old woman. I can't imagine being trapped for 13hrs let alone 13 days!
on Jan 08, 2004
I remember in Mexico City they found a newborn suckling at his dead mothers breast ,days after the building collapsed. Yet about EVERY time such a tragedy happens they assume after three or four days the human Spirit is dead. I'd tell the crews that we KNOW there will be survivors so proceed with that understanding and never give up on them.