Calling All Christians To Vote Republican...
Published on February 25, 2004 By GemCityJoe In Politics
In an afternoon speech earlier today, President George W. Bush rallied for Christian supporters by pledging his support for a constitutional amendment that would once and for all stifle the arguments over same sex marriages and ban them forever.
It was quite clear that the Bush speech today was merely a rally call to all Christians to lend him their support in his endeavor to be re-elected, as many people are well aware of the number of years it would take to get such an amendment passed into law.
Just the amendment alone, to allow women the right to vote took many years and was debated over several administrations before it became law and then it barely passed by only one single vote. Had everyone have listened to the majority back then, women would still not be allowed to vote.
Thankfully though, the right choice was decided upon and now women are equally as welcome as men to go to the polls and cast their votes freely.
The only difference in then and now is that the constitution needed to be amended to stop a certain group of people from having their civil rights violated. Sadly today, our president has called for an amendment to our constitution that would allow a certain group of people to continue to be oppressed and have their civil rights violated.
Furthermore, the president is violating seperation of church and state laws in taking it upon himself to act as God by telling people whom they can and can not marry.
Now some may be in favor of same sex marriages and some may be opposed but it is not the place of the federal government to become involved in the personal affairs of its citizens by imposing certain ideas and traditions of a religious nature onto certain groups and individuals because of it's own moral convictions or long standing traditions. If we have learned anything at all from our history then we should certainly know with assuredness that moral convictions and long standing traditions of men are very susceptible indeed to the winds of change.

Calling All Christians To Vote Republican.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Feb 25, 2004
well said and nice photo. well done
on Feb 25, 2004
Good blog and perceptive.

I think if he were to go back and remove the tax incentive for married couples, the number of gays getting married would go to near zero. Of course I think government should get out of the marriage/divorce industry completely by allowing marriage certificates to be given by a Church exclusively(and let them inherit the counseling and divorce issues as they decide) and civil union being dealt with as any other contract.

Unless they find a newer more correct Holy Book, I think the fact homosexuality is an 'abomination' in the eyes of God is pretty well settled to Christian, Jew, Moslem.

I also agree with your perception of the amendment process. I once had a disagreement with a radio personality over amending to outlaw dis-respect for the flag. I agreed the flag should be revered, but the amending of the Constitution was properly to de-limit GOVERNMENT power over the People, and not a legislative function to be used for law enforcement by government over the People.

Hard to argue with this blog for thoughtfulness. Well said GCJ
on Feb 25, 2004
Thank you Jeff and Wahkonta...
One thing I have always found so completely hard to understand is the way in which religious people rank sin. I'm not sure but this ideology may have originated from the Roman Catholic Church when it started handing out different penances for each particular sin.
One thing that one should bare in mind is the fact that "sin is sin." There is no such thing as a little sin or a great sin. Its all the same. The only sin that the bible speaks of as greater than any other and for which there is no forgivness for is blasphemy. All other sin is therefore equal and is pardonable.
Thats why Christ died... For our sin. He knew that there would be none here on earth worthy to have everlasting life due to the fact that we are all sinners and have all fallen short of the kingdom of God. So He became the Supreme sacrifice to make a way out for all sinners. This is where "Grace" comes into play. We are saved by His Grace. His Grace has made us all worthy no matter the sin. GCJ
on Feb 25, 2004
Another good one Joe lmao!!!
on Feb 25, 2004
One thing that one should bare in mind is the fact that "sin is sin." There is no such thing as a little sin or a great sin.

I'm sorry, but I can not accept that stealing one of someone's French fries while he's not looking is of the same gravity as murdering him while he's not looking.
on Feb 26, 2004
Trust... the fire will be just as hot for thieves as it will be for the murderers. GCJ
on Feb 26, 2004
He's right. Humanity may consider theft and murder different, but according to the bible all sins are equal in God's eyes
on Feb 26, 2004
Trust... the fire will be just as hot for thieves as it will be for the murderers.

Sorry, don't believe it.

but according to the bible all sins are equal in God's eyes

Chapter/verse? This is not the Catholic belief.
on Feb 26, 2004
The Hail mary's and our father's catholicism?

Hold on, I'll look it up.

on Feb 26, 2004
Can't find it, and I'm going to bed, but I'm sure it's in there somewhere. And I spent two years studying it pretty well. Tomorrow when I'm at my office I'll dig out my old study bible and see if I anotated it.

on Feb 26, 2004
Ahhah, got it, Revelation 21:8.

on Feb 26, 2004
Oh My jeblackstar... are my eyes deceiving me or did it say the unbelieving would be there too? That outta certainly make it crowded there huh? Thanks for the scripture! GCJ
on Feb 26, 2004
The Bible, being a book of fairy tales and bedtime stories, does little to scare me into good behavior. I have other reasons for conducting myself morally.
on Feb 26, 2004
Well just make sure you have your reservation BulbousHead, I just hate seeing folks having to stand. GCJ
on Feb 26, 2004
Now, now, hypochristian, Matthew 7:1. The faithful always seem to forget that one...
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