Is This The Kind Of Stuff We Want To Associate Our President With?
Published on February 23, 2004 By GemCityJoe In Republican
This book entitled, "The New Soldier" was written by Senator John Kerry. It is currently out of print. I found it selling on ebay for $200.00 and up.
Note the upside down American flag on the cover of John Kerry's publication.
I ask you, is this the kind of stuff that we want to associate our president with? What kind of loyal American would have a book published with the United States flag upside down on it's cover?
I for one do not want this kind of person in office as head of my country.
I haven't read the book myself and I have heard it often said, don't judge a book by its cover but this is one book I would not care to read and one man that will definately not be getting my vote for president. I don't care what party he affiliates himself with. Such a person as this does not deserve to be Commander In Chief.



Comments (Page 4)
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on Apr 22, 2004
I am sure Anne Coulther said so, so that means it must be true.
on Apr 22, 2004
Kerry did indeed intentionally stage such a photo, but he did so to make a point. You may object to that point, but to object to his method of making it is wrong. It's strikes me as similar to the posts a while back for and against Bush using 9/11 images in his political campaign. The use of the images is not wrong, you can object to the point he's trying to make though.
I do understand that many people feel distressed at such an American symbol being 'poorly' used, but America grants the freedom for anyone to use that symbol as they want. Anything that reduces that right, even if it's just outrage and digust, is wrong.

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