What Is It You Would You Have Him Do?
Published on March 10, 2004 By GemCityJoe In Religion
How truly sad it must be for the agnostics, atheists and unbelievers to watch their children have to suffer with sickness and disease and not be able to approach the throne of God with boldness to ask for their healing. Though I have often tried, I just can not imagine that defencelessness one must expericence when danger is present and you are caught unaware and without any armor what-so-ever to help protect your life or best interests that are at stake from harm. It would be far worse than driving your automobile without any insurance.
In reading Isaiah 53:5, I can take great comfort in knowing that Christ was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes we are healed.
I have often read this passage and always taken it to mean that if I was sick in body that I could ask God to heal me and that He would hear me and answer accordingly. I have only recently come to realize that it holds much deeper meaning. Not just for me and my body or the people that I care about but everyone.
He was with my aunt, my cousin, my friend and myself that day down in Kentucky when we were on a very steep down grade and the breaks on our van went completely out and the light at the foot of the hill was red and traffic was crossing through and we needed to call on Him.
The Lord has also touched my body a number of times when I was ill and needed to be healed. He was with me that day in the emergency room when I had my heart attack. He was there in the operating room when I had to undergo heart surgery. He was right there with me in the recovery room when I woke up and was on a respirator that was breathing for me.
What a horrible feeling it was to wake up and try to breath only to realize that I couldn't. Such a feeling of shock to think that this is my time, I'm just going to lay here now and die.
Thats when I felt my insurance kick in. That sweet peace in knowing that everythings going to be alright because I am armor protected and He is right here with me.
By His stripes we are healed. Its so deep. So beyond just me and my petty sicknesses. What about on 9/11 when so many dear loved ones had their lives snuffed out without a moments notice? He knew when they were beating Him way back then and laying those bloody stripes all over His body that they were being placed there for the healing of so many broken hearts that would be left in agony in the City of New York the year of 2001.
What is it you would have Him to do for you? Are you sick in mind or body or know someone else who may be, that needs a touch? Perhaps you are going through a terrible divorce and your heart is being torn apart like you never knew that it could be. Maybe you have just lost a close loved one and just don't know how to cope with the loss.
Just take it to Him right now, He is there. GCJ

Comments (Page 2)
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on Mar 11, 2004
That genus (Lucy and all) suffers from several inconsistancies to what would accepted as in the line of man. First, there are issues with the brain cavity being too small, the claim that they walked upright has been refuted by many paleoanthropologists, the skull of lucy in particular has been shown to be more chimpanzee like than human. Even the diggings themselves have issues. Also, several of the other fragments in the genus have been questioned as being from young apes whose features are more humanlike in their youth than when they are full grown. If you want links I invite you to use Google.

I can also use Google to find links telling me that all of the science is perfectly solid. If you want to back your case up, give your own damn links.

It still is not proof of anything and not positive transitional form.

Science admits no proof, only evidence. Clearly, whether you believe that Australopithecus is our ancestor or not, the notion that the transitional forms went extinct is not outrageous.

But we digress from the original topic don't we.

What fun is JoeUser if y'don't?
on Mar 11, 2004
Also, voodoostation is my hero.
on Mar 12, 2004
Voodoostation trolled but is the fun of JoeUser as well. His analogy lacks any sense, I think there were drugs involved.

As for links I can certainly provide them as I am sure you can (but have not). So I think my case is backed up as much as yours. However, I can assure you that no link you can provide will prove your argument.
The notion that the transitional forms went extinct IS as outrageous as believing in a god or subscribing to the idea that we are the spawn of aliens from outerspace. Haven't you seen the evidence that "Chariots of the Gods" provides?
on Mar 12, 2004
This is a nice article! I can't imagine getting through a day without prayer.
on Mar 12, 2004
However, I can assure you that no link you can provide will prove your argument.

Since I just said that science admits no proof...

The notion that the transitional forms went extinct IS as outrageous as believing in a god

Um...don't you believe in a God?
on Mar 12, 2004
Um...don't you believe in a God?

But of course. My point is that just as you would consider a belief in god is outrageous I would counter that the notion that the transitional forms went extinct IS equally outrageous.
on Mar 12, 2004
I guess you've never heard of the genus Australopithecus or the other species of our genus Homo, which have been found in fossil form, not in fantasy-fiction form. But, as usual, I'm sure the facts don't interest you.

Since I just said that science admits no proof...

So, all the fossils prove nothing which makes them not fact?
on Mar 12, 2004
I would counter that the notion that the transitional forms went extinct IS equally outrageous.

Why is that, exactly? Where are the creatures whose skulls these are? Do you see them walking around? No? Hm, could it be because they're extinct? Are the dinosaurs still alive?

So, all the fossils prove nothing which makes them not fact?

Their existence is factual; what they imply can never be PROVEN because nothing in science can be PROVEN. When you learn how scientific theories work, then we can talk.
on Mar 12, 2004
Why is that, exactly? Where are the creatures whose skulls these are? Do you see them walking around? No? Hm, could it be because they're extinct? Are the dinosaurs still alive?

You assume they are transitional forms to humans, that is your error.

Their existence is factual; what they imply can never be PROVEN because nothing in science can be PROVEN. When you learn how scientific theories work, then we can talk.

, I am very aware of how scientific theories work. You were simply dancing around with implying that the genus Australopithecus was a transitional form to man (a point that is questioned my many) as if that was proof of transitional forms that then proved or implied that evolution was true.
You should keep your ignorance about God to yourself and your Dawin-freak friends and find a forum you do agree with instead of trolling around the Religion forum like a street urchin trying to stir up trouble about something you know absolutely nothing about.
on Mar 12, 2004
Are you two arguing about evolution again? Why don't you write your own forum and argue away?
on Mar 12, 2004
I didn't start it, I promise...
on Mar 13, 2004
To Voodoostation:
No there wasn't any nerve struck here bub. I like JeremyG just as well as anyone else but JeremyG and I have other issues that you wouldn't know about. JeremyG's thinking is way out in left field in my opinion but I don't mind his comments. I just don't value his ideas or way of thinking on alot of things. I hardly feel that by not caring what a certain person thinks defines ones religion. Its quite obvious that you are into Christian bashing but if you want to bash me why don't you try and find something a little more substantial next time? GCJ
on Mar 22, 2004
I am not a Christian, but I will say that I was moved my GemCityJoe's post. It was touching and his warm and caring nature comes through.

Whether or not you believe that prayers will be answered does not in any way detreact from the comfort so many obviously receive from them. The warmth and comfort that those who have faith derive from this simple act is indisputable.

You keep the faith, GemCityJoe, and if the spirit moves you, say a prayer for me. It can't hurt!
on Mar 22, 2004
I don't bash Christians or anyone who has religious beliefs different than my own. I was struck by the viciousness of the retort and found it less than hospitable. No more to read into it than that. Check my stuff for further evidence. As my name is also "Joseph", I didn't feel your message at the time was in line. Humour seems to be a facet of our life that more and more people miss and that was how I took Jeremy's little missive. No hard feelings were meant, and if I angered you, then we're even. I did like the article, though, that was my original reason for checking it out. No drugs were involved in any part of my ramblings, but I did twist the head off a Barbie doll.
on Apr 18, 2004
GCJ.... I know that there are times that the Lord, Jesus Christ, heals us when we are sick, there are times that He takes care of our needs and watches over us in times of trouble. But I would have to point out to you that Isaiah 53:5 is pointing to something much deeper than healing the hearts of the broken hearted or watching over the weak and the weary. It has more to do with the fact that we are saved because of Him. We are free because of Him!!
"But He was pierced through our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; The chastening for our well being fell upon Him, And by His scourging we are healed."

This is all to say quite simply that WE put Jesus on the cross. Our sins, our transgressions, our iniquities made it so that Jesus Christ would have to be scourged, beaten and whipped quite literally to a bloody pulp. So that Our Trespasses could be forgiven.

The message that you have written is very inlightening and is a good comforting tribute to Christ Jesus. But please do not take so lightly the power of the message that is conveyed in Isaiah 53:5

God Bless

ChristianRob79 <
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